Daniel Schiff PhD Somatic Psychotherapy Training
Daniel Schiff PhDSomatic Psychotherapy Training                

Below are links to therapists who have training in Contemporary Reichian (orgone) Therapy.


Wendy Baily, MA - Bellingham, WA http://www.somaticcounselingnw.com/

Susan Baum, MA - Seattle, WA  http://susanbaumtherapy.blogspot.com/

Danielle Bowersock MA - Vancouver, BC.  www.daniellebowersock.com

Timothy Crespi, LPC - Portland, OR http://integrativeportlandtherapist.com/

G. Luke Gonzales, ND - Salem, OR  www.deeprootsmedicine.com

Jeffrey Howard, MA - Boulder, CO  http://threeleavescounseling.com/  

Ira Karon. MA - Portland, OR  https://somatictherapypdx.com/contact

Ryan Lehotay, LPC - Portland, OR https://therapists.psychologytoday.com/rms/prof_detail.php?profid=181626&sid=1439645660.1978_16856&city=Portland&state=OR&s=N&spec=309&tr=ResultsName

Grant Mcmahon - Vancouver, BC.  www.grantmcmahon.ca

Ann Marie Miner, PsyD - Portland, OR http://annmarieminerpsyd.com/

Scot Nichols, MA - Bellingham, WA  www.somatic-in.com

Nikos Papantonis MA, MSc - Athens, Greece www.orgonomysite.gr

Roza Skenderova MA - Portland, OR http://www.portlandsomaticcounseling.com/

Lesley Skoloff MA - Malabu, CA https://www.lesleyskoloff.com/

Johnna Voght, Psy.D. - Portland, OR  http://www.johnnavoght.com/



Contact information

Daniel Schiff PH.D.

Portland, Oregon 

Phone: 503 290-4655

E-mail: dschiff@dschiffphd.com

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